Dun-Aliscaig Estate Management Ltd Alcohol & Drugs Policy Statement of Acknowledgement

Your are hereby informed that Dun-Aliscaig Estate Management Ltd operate a Alcohol & Drugs Policy the details of which are included in the accompanying Human Resources Solutions Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy document.
All employees have a duty to advise the employer if they are taking any prescribed medication and if so what the side effects are and could be.
All employees have a duty to advise their employer if they have an alcohol or drug dependency.
Any employee found or suspected to be unfit to carry out their task as a result of alcohol and drugs will automatically be asked to cease working and withdraw from the work place. Thereafter, they shall be invited to participate in an inquiry, which could result in disciplinary procedure.
It is a criminal offence for certain workers such as drivers or operators of public transport systems to be unfit for their work due to taking drugs or alcohol.
Employees are also legally required to take reasonable care of themselves and to behave in a way that does not pose risk to the health and safety of themselves or others in the workplace.
I the undersigned have read and agree to work in accordance with the above and accompanying Human Resources Solutions Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy Solutions document that forms part of this statement.